Thursday 23 April 2009

Its dead again today. May need to make advitisin material. I not made any for awhile. Aww bad admin.

I keep meaning to update the info stuff too, but i wanna write it myself so i may work on it.

My O.U course as been accepted so i'm on the way to being a mental health professional. I think it will help me to help members. I'm excited about it all.

Mmmm, when i got more followers i'll add mental health info n whatnot but till then i'll just use it as i am.

K x)

Friday 17 April 2009

Introduction To Healing Angels

What Is Healing Angels?

Healing Angels is a mental health support forum for survivors of abuse.

Why Was Healing Angels Created?

Healing Angels was created for those struggling with past abuse and mental illness. I myself am a survivor of child abuse and i felt alone in the world. I didn't want others to feel this way. I first started with a web site called CSAS, Child Sexual Abuse Survivors, and added some information and useful links but i wasn't happy. I didn't feel like i was reaching out enough to survivors. So i joined a few support groups myself to get a few ideas and started my first support group Broken Angels. Unfortunately this group was deleted. I then decided to start again with Healing Angels. We've been running for just over 15 months. Its been hard going at times, but its worth it to hear some of the wonderful things that members say about us. I find it helps me to cope as well as others.

What Does Healing Angels Offer?

Healing Angels offers you a safe place to vent and post about your past. We also offer our friendship and support for as long as you may need it. We have a angel watch area which is basically a one to one. You'll be given the opportunity to have your own angel if you decide to join us.

What Is There Goal?

The goal of Healing Angels is to help others in need. We try to reach out to those who find it a struggle living with mental illness. Also we reach out to those dealing with past abuse. I am a survivor of child abuse myself and I struggled in the past, felt like i was alone. I don't want others to feel how i felt. Thats why we try to reach out as much as possible.

How Can I Register With Healing Angels?

Its very easy to join Healing Angels. Just follow this link and click register. You'll not be able to see any of the board as it is only available to registered members. This is for members safety. If you register with us, you'll need to wait for admin to validate your account first. This usually happens within a couple of hours. If admin is available when you register it will usually be straight away.